Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Our patio through the seasons!

I thought it would be interesting to see our patio through the seasons. This first photo is in  early Spring before the leaves are on the trees but you can just see some daffodils at the far side of the orchard.

Summertime brings a million shades of green and we decorate the patio with  tubs of flowers.

Autumn brings blustry showers and leaves everywhere!

Winter snow covers the patio!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Goldfinch rebellion

These Goldfinch were busy feeding this morning when the sparrow came to feed try his luck too. You can imagine the Goldfinch on the left shouting up to the one on the feeder ' Eh! what about me, throw me some down and never mind that thieving sparrow!'

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Rainbows and Puccini

Puccini my horse and his big beautiful eyes!
Today I saw this beautiful rainbow looking from the farm towards the hills and I always knew we were just a mile or two in the wrong place as at the bottom of a rainbow is a pot of gold!
Rainbow as seen from the corner of the cottages

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Squirrels, Hawks and pigeons

It has been quite a busy time for wildlife this last few weeks and here are some of my latest sightings!
Our cheeky squirrel now sneaks onto the patio to steal the bird seed! 

Our resident racing pigeon and can you see the pheasant eating by the wall? She is well camouflaged.
 This racing pigeon has made Rains Farm it's home for the last few weeks, he hangs around the patio and watches the other birds. I think he must be one of the pigeons that are part of a baffling mystery. Not that far from here there is what they now call the "Birdmuda triangle" Many racing pigeons when released  never make it back home, literally hundreds don't return at times and it is very puzzling. Well, I have one here!
Now that winters coming the pheasants are coming back to the orchard to feed. This is a young male and female, they could easily be from the brood that hatched here last spring.

I am not the only one who finds pheasants fascinating!

This beautiful Sparrowhawk flew into our garden and tried to snatch a small bird but missed. He decided to pause a while on a garden post. I grabbed my camera and the memory card was full!!!! That is so frustrating! I did click this photo, unbelievably I was in our kitchen about 6 foot back from the window and zoomed him in through the window and double glazing. I can't believe how it came out as I was just hand holding the camera too!